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Friday, January 8, 2010


Tgh leka2 layan fb.. ttba ternmpk nama yang dah lama xnmpk..

Nama yang dulu membuatkan hati ini gundah-gulana.. chewaaahhhh.. hehehe.. and all of in a sudden.. terflash back kenangan2 yang mengusik minda.. hehehehe..

From his photo album, I can see that he has put some weight ( like myself ) happy with his 2kids.. and from the way he puts his word.. he is still the same ol'crazy person i knew back then.. which I like very much..

I don't see why we can't be friends now,kan?.. infact, cam sweet je,kan?..

hmm.. I wonder..

Why can't I stop smiling..


XiGorX said...

hey, i know about this, right... i was there all along... now.. still smiling??hehehe

Chic Mont said...

syuuuuuuussssshhhhh!!!!! jom i blanja u teh tarik...